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For the second year running a cherry picked selection of the top names from the Italian hospitality contract sector have exhibited at the most important American trade show: HD EXPO under the umbrella name ItalianContract4HospitalityDesign (ic4hd). The show was held from May 15th to 17th 2012 and, with an increase of almost 10% compared to…

hd Expo 2012


Petracer’s La Cividina & Roberti Rattan Ceramics of Italy / Ceramiche Marca Corona Ceramics of Italy / Giovanni De Maio GardenArt & Green Flukso Mirage La Murrina Mast Ceramics of Italy / Fap Ceramiche Lea Ceramiche Ceramics of Italy / Atlas Concorde

la murrina ic4hd 2012


La Murrina For the Giardino Lounge e Ristorante in Ascona (Switzerland), designed by Matteo Thun & Partners, la murrina has produced 6 upended glass bouquets, each one is formed by 105 multicoloured elements in blown hand molded glass.

la murrina ic4hd 2012


La Murrina The bubbles in the Champagne Bar of the Disney Dream ship are a total la murrina creation starting from the design and placing of each individual piece, moving through to the blown glass, installation mechanisms and supply of customized pieces which are fundamental for a superlative installation.


La Murrina … the drops of blown Murano glass in transparent pink with cobalt blue inserts forming the 120 chandeliers which are the distinguishing feature of the Costa Luminosa ship, made one by one by la murrina Master glass blowers.