L'Italia Premiata ai 17° HD Awards

L’Italia Premiata ai 17° HD Awards

L’Italia premiata ai 17° HD Awards di New York.

A metà settembre si è tenuta al Cipriani South Street di New York la cerimonia di premiazione per i 17° HD Awards, durante la quale Hospitality Design Magazine ha annunciato i vincitori delle categorie Progetti e Prodotti. 

Questo evento annuale ha l’obiettivo di celebrare i migliori e più innovativi progetti in tutto il mondo e i team che li hanno realizzati. Le premiazioni hanno valutato oltre 1000 progetti e prodotti, suddivisi in 40 categorie totali.
La giuria che ha scelto i vincitori è composta da rinomati professionisti del settore come, tra gli altri, Aaron Anderson di 26 Co, Markus Schreyer di Design Hotels, Malene Barnett di Black Artists + Designers Guild e Matt Berman di Workshop/APD. I progetti e i prodotti vincitori nelle varie categorie, in totale 51, sono pubblicati nell’edizione cartacea del Magazine ricevendo così ulteriore visibilità.

Gli HD Awards sono uno dei premi più prestigiosi per il settore hospitality e contract americano, e nel 2021 sono ben due i progetti italiani che si sono meritati questo premio.

Il premio Best in Show della categoria progetti, Lifestyle Hotel è stato consegnato all’Hotel Milla Montis, in Alto Adige, e all’architetto Peter Pichler che lo ha realizzato. 

Il vincitore del secondo premio Best in Show, questa volta nella categoria dei prodotti da bagno, è stato Hi-Fi Thermostatic Shower Mixers di Gessi North America.

Ancora una volta le aziende e i progetti italiani dimostrano di essere apprezzati sul mercato americano. Innovazione e creatività, unite all’attenzione per l’ambiente, risultano di nuovo aspetti vincenti nell’ambito dell’hospitality.

Se volete espandere il vostro business Italian Contract 4HD è pronta ad aiutarvi a inserirvi nel mercato americano e a partecipare alle più importanti fiere statunitensi del settore contract e hospitality. Per scoprire di più sui nostri servizi visitate la nostra pagina e non esitate a contattarci a contract@lanariassociates.com.

Fonte: Hospitality Design


GREEN | Grassi Pietre


Grassi Pietre places sustainability at the center of its production and business development policies. The natural materials are extracted from underground quarries, with a minimum impact from a landscape and environmental point of view for the surrounding area. When the quarry is exhausted, the entrance is secured, and the surrounding environment restored. The quantity of extracted material is regulated to allow the procurement of the company in compliance with regional and national regulations.

Grassi Pietre also pays attention to the use of renewable energy, thanks to the use of a modern photovoltaic system installed at the production plant in Nanto (VI).

With a view to recovering waste material resulting from the excavation and transformation of natural stone, in recent years Grassi Pietre has developed a line of cement agglomerates made with a mixture of Vicenza stone grit, white Portland cement and water. This product, called PIETRANOVA , allows the company to give new life to materials that would otherwise be considered as waste, and to improve at the same time the technical characteristics of natural stone. Only recycled material is used for the mixture, namely Vicenza stone coming directly from the Grassi Pietre quarries, which gives the finished product beauty and value, also thanks to the high percentage of natural stone used. Pietranova is available in three color variants, white, yellow and gray, depending on the residue of grit that is used in the mixture.

Pietranova is an ecological and environmental-friendly material, as it does not contain epoxy resins or dangerous chemicals. Aside from stone grit, only white Portland cement and water are used for the production of Pietranova: since cement is an inert material, the resulting agglomerate is completely ecological, free from harmful substances. Pietranova is a 100% Made in Italy product, is CE certified and meets all legislation requirements for the uses for which it is intended. Thanks to its low environmental impact, it can be installed in any place and is an exceptional solution for modern construction.

Grassi Pietre continues its investments in research and development, creating in the last year a new ecological product to integrate the Pietranova offer and recover production waste: a new cement agglomerate, called Alpi 4.0 , made with clasts of Grigio Alpi and Grigio Argento, produced without any resins or harmful chemicals.

Grassi Pietre aim to reduce production scraps is also demonstrated by the new PATTERN  collection for wall and floor tiles, created for the company new showroom in Nanto (VI). The reduced formats permit to make the most of the raw slabs, minimizing waste and optimizing production.

All this is possible thanks to Grassi Pietre team of experienced technicians and operators who are constantly updated, thanks to the continuous training that the company offers. In Grassi Pietre, technology and craftsmanship blend together: new refined projects made with the historic materials of the company’s quarries are the result of craftsmanship and the best technologies available for stone processing. The expertise of the team of highly qualified personnel allows Grassi Pietre to develop any project by offering the necessary technical and design support.

Discover Grassi Pietre at the upcoming HD Expo Las Vegas, August 24-25, 2021.