ic4hd interviews Kevin Gaffney

IC4HD interviews Kevin Gaffney, HD Expo

ic4hd interviews Kevin Gaffney

IC4HD interviews Kevin Gaffney, Vice President and Group Show Director at Emerald, who shares his thoughts and impressions about the 2021 edition of Hospitality Design Expo 2021.

HD Expo + Conference is the largest hospitality event of its kind in the country, showcasing the latest products, services, and innovative developments from the industry’s leading manufacturers.

How is your impression about the industry you’ve met at HD Expo?

The industry was so excited to be back in person and see products up close and personal. The attendees that came to the show were very high-level decision-makers who were very keen on seeing new products and reconnecting with colleagues.


What are the main innovations this COVID pandemic has brought to the industry?

Honesty and transparency are needed in business, with product delays a current issue, expectations need to be set upfront at initial product request stage because there are many things out of manufacturing control. There is also a need for potential new products to accommodate Covid related model adjustments.


Can you already give us some anticipations about HD Expo 22? Any special feature to be introduced?

We will be back to three halls and look forward to having more companies back in the show with us in April. We will continue the features we added to HD 2021. We will also be launching a new matchmaking program that exhibitors can opt-in for a small sponsorship fee. Each sponsor will be guaranteed a number of face to face meetings with high-level decision-makers.


Can you tell us something about EFA and HCD Expo?

While both EFA and HCD were smaller in 2021 due to Covid, both events were well attended and the feedback from exhibitors has been overwhelmingly positive. EFA 2022 will take place April 2-5 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; HCD 2022 will take place October 8-11 in San Antonio, Texas


Italian Contract 4 Hospitality Design coordinates the participation of Italian companies and institutions to international events for hospitality and contract design like HD Expo, EFA Expo + Conference and Healthcare Design Expo. Contact us at contract@lanariassociates.com to find out more about our services and read the series of IC4HD interviews.

jennifer kovacs silvis eng

IC4HD interviews Jennifer Kovacs Silvis, EFA Magazine

jennifer kovacs silvis eng

IC4HD interviews Jennifer Kovacs Silvis, Editor-in-Chief at Environments for Aging Magazine, who shares her thoughts and impressions about the 2021 edition of Environment For Aging Expo + Conference.

The EFA Magazine is the industry’s premier source of insight, information, and inspiration, delivering to readers the latest senior living design news and in-depth coverage of new projects and trends.

How is your impression of the industry you’ve met at EFA?

The industry members who attend the EFA Expo & Conference are a passionate group of professionals driven by the shared mission of improving environments where people age. Many of them attend the show each year, embracing the annual opportunity to learn, network, and explore new products—all with the goal of walking away with fresh ideas to help support the design of environments where seniors can thrive.

What are the main innovations this COVID pandemic has brought to the industry?

Senior living designers and community owners/operators have learned a great deal about how smaller household models of care proved to be beneficial in controlling the spread of COVID-19 among residents and staff versus larger, institutional environments. That will be a key consideration moving forward for higher-acuity settings. However, across all levels of care and community types, the industry gained new appreciation for the value of social interaction and outdoor settings. Achieving meaningful connections between residents via built environment solutions and creating activated and purposeful outdoor areas will drive new projects in the future. 

Regarding the conference sessions, which are the themes that gained more attention?

In addition to the topics above, the industry is interested in how the design community can influence more affordable senior housing/support residential options for the middle market and achieve environments that offer opportunities for interaction between multiple generations by being integrated in existing neighbourhoods. These are themes that were top of mind pre-pandemic and that we anticipate will remain so going forward. 

Can you already give us some anticipation about EFA 2022? Any special features to be introduced?

The 2022 EFA Expo will return to our usual spring schedule April 2-5 in Milwaukee. We have a great session lineup in place across five tracks including Design Innovation, Community Engagement, and Case Studies & Lessons Learned. The expo hall is filling up quickly, and we’ll soon be identifying local senior living communities for attendee tours and planning our annual networking party to take full advantage of the local culture and flavor of our host city.

What are the expectations about the upcoming HCD?

The healthcare design industry is excited to be together in person again, safely. We’re thrilled that the event will take place in Cleveland, too—a home to numerous healthcare institutions and care delivery innovations (and the birthplace of rock ‘n’ roll). We’ll be in the heart of downtown at the Huntington Convention Center, offering 20 hours of CEU-certified educational sessions, provocative keynote presentations, generous expo hall hours, annual awards celebrations, and networking events including our Cleveland ROCKS party.

Italian Contract 4 Hospitality Design coordinates the participation of Italian companies and institutions to international events for hospitality and contract design like EFA Expo + Conference. Contact us at contract@lanariassociates.com to find out more about our services and read the series of IC4HD interviews.

IC4HD intervista Hans J. Galutera, HG DesignWorks

Hans J. Galutera, fondatore della HG DesignWorks, è un esperto di interior design e negli ultimi 20 anni è stato un attore importante nella creazione di ambienti di lusso nel mondo dell’ospitalità.

Attraverso un’intervista esclusiva, condivide con noi i suoi progetti più recenti e un nuovo punto di vista sul settore dell’ospitalità americano.

Qual è il suo punto di vista sul settore hospitality al momento?

Al momento la gente sta viaggiando un po’ meno, ma su un periodo di tempo più ampio. Credo che la stanza d’albergo standard si evolverà. Gli ospiti vogliono un luogo sanificato e dove possono sentirsi al sicuro, più che che uno spazio semplicemente per dormire o mangiare. Stiamo scoprendo che gli ospiti vogliono anche un posto dove preparare i pasti oppure ordinarli d’asporto senza dover per forza mangiare sul letto. Vogliono potersi sedere e lavorare al computer, e avere tutto questo sia per un soggiorno lungo che corto.


Può identificare qualche trend e/o caratteristica in particolare che è diventata progressivamente più importante nei progetti di costruzione/ristrutturazione del mondo hospitality causata dall’emergenza Covid? E per la ripartenza post Covid?

In genere si dice che la lobby sia il fattore chiave per il design alberghiero, ma credo che le stanze degli ospiti abbiano raggiunto un’importanza equivalente alla lobby a causa del Covid. Il desiderio di tranquillità è diventato sempre più significativo e credo che gli hotel debbano occuparsi di ciò che è realmente importante in una stanza ed eliminare gli elementi inutili. Stiamo anche pensando, per i nostri clienti, come si potrebbe usare una camera in caso la pandemia ritorni. Abbiamo visto esempi di come alcuni hotel sono stati trasformati in strutture ricettive per anziani, sale parto, reparti di triage, rifugi per senzatetto… in quali altri modi le stanze possono essere usate in modo funzionale?


A quali progetti sta lavorando maggiormente in questo periodo? Prevalentemente ristrutturazioni o nuovi edifici?

In questo momento ci stiamo occupando principalmente di ristrutturazioni a New York e a Melbourne, Australia.


Quali sono le caratteristiche principali che ricerca in un fornitore? Come riassumerebbe il profilo di un fornitore ideale usando tre parole?

Quando lavoravamo con le grandi società quali Royal Caribbean e Celebrity Cruises, che sono, diciamo, hotel galleggianti, sviluppavamo relazioni con fornitori che erano preapprovati per rispondere a regole e linee guida sulla sicurezza marittima molto rigide.
Con i nuovi fornitori vogliamo sempre essere sicuri che ci sia affidabilità per quanto riguarda la qualità. Dobbiamo assicurarci che la loro capacità di produzione sia eccellente e soprattutto che ci sia una buona comunicazione. Se volessi sintetizzare con 3 parole il fornitore ideale con cui abbiamo lavorato sarebbero: affidabilità, fiducia e flessibilità – deve essere pronto a sistemare eventuali errori con prontezza.


Italian Contract 4 Hospitality Design, oltre a organizzare la partecipazione a Hospitality Design Expo+Conference Las Vegas, mette in contatto le aziende italiane con i professionisti del settore contract USA. Per leggere le altre interviste, seguite IC4HD interviews


IC4HD interviews Hans J. Galutera, HG DesignWorks


Hans J. Galutera, the founder of HG DesignWorks, is a renowned expert in the art of interiors, and in the last 20 years he has been an important party for the creation of luxurious spaces in the world of hospitality. 

Through an exclusive interview, he shares with us his projects and a new point of view on the US hospitality sector.

What is your pulse on the hospitality design industry at the moment?

At the moment people are travelling a little bit less, but they’re travelling over extended periods of time. I think the average hotel room definitely will evolve. They want a place where they can feel safety, sanitary other than just sleeping or where they can eat. We are finding that they also want a place to prepare their own meal, to order a delivery and not have to eat it on their bed. Guests want to be able to sit and work on a laptop – and then have it all for short and long term stays.


Can you identify any particular trend and/or feature that has become increasingly important in hospitality projects building/renovation due to Covid emergency? And for the post-Covid restart?

Typically one would say the lobby is a key factor with hotel design but I think the guest room has become tantamount due to Covid. The hotel room has become a sanctuary focused on contemplation and self-care since you could not use the lobby during Covid. The desire for quiet has become increasingly significant and I think hotel brands should address what is really important within a room and strip back any unnecessary items. We are also thinking for our clients – how would you use the room if this pandemic happens again? We are given instances like what happened during this crisis where some hotels were turned into birthing centers, senior living facilities, triage, homeless shelters… what other ways can this room be used in functionality?


Which kind of projects are you working on most at the moment? Mostly renovations or new buildings?

Mostly renovations, at this moment, right now in New York City, New Jersey and Melbourne, VIC Australia.


What are the main features you search for in a supplier? How would you sum up the profile of your ideal supplier in 3 words?

When we were working with the big corporations such as Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises which are, I guess, floating hotels, we would develop relationships with different suppliers that have been pre-approved because of strict maritime codes and life safety guidelines. With new suppliers, we always want to make sure that there is accountability for quality issues. We need to make sure their production capabilities are excellent and most importantly the ease of communication is established. And if I was to sum up a great supplier that we have worked with: it would be trustworthiness, reliability and of course – flexibility (i.e. they must be ready to fix their mistakes effortlessly) which is the key word right in our current environment for all constructed environments.



Italian Contract 4 Hospitality Design selects the best Italian firms able to face the US market for hospitality design, distinguished for a structured organization on site, real-time answer to requests coming from designers and specifiers, flawless executions within the agreed timing and mode. The best occasion where to meet IC4HD companies is at Hospitality Design Expo+Conference Las Vegas.

Guy Maisnik JMBM

IC4HD interviews Guy Maisnik, JMBM Global Hospitality Group

Guy Maisnik JMBM

Guy Maisnik, partner and Vice Chair of the JMBM Global Hospitality Group®, has over three decades of commercial real estate transactions with a strong expertise in hotels and finance. Answering to some questions of ours, he offers an unconventional point of view about the contract sector in the US.

What is your pulse on the hospitality design industry at the moment?

Hotel design will need to take into account elements that make people feel safe. My guess is that the general traveler conscience has been raised, and for many years hotels will need to be mindful of that to attract guests.


Did you develop a specific new working approach for the current worldwide Covid-era?

Our ability to work remotely has been seamless. But we did have to improve the quality of our systems. Thankfully, technology has really stayed up with this. This is fantastic for getting work done and maintaining existing relationships. However, technology has not been great for creating new relationships. It is hard to beat in person meetings and dining for that experience. But I have a lot of faith in technology, and believe that that bridge will eventually happen.

Can you identify any particular trend that has become increasingly important in hospitality projects due to Covid emergency?

I think I answered that question above. However, I will say that the hospitality industry has a bright future. People love to travel, get out of their existing environment, and have great experiences. If anything, demand is tremendously pent-up. Once travel becomes safe in the general mind of the populace, the travel industry will boom! Buckle up!

Which kind of projects are you working at most at the moment?

There were many projects in the pipeline when Covid hit. Those that made economic sense to finish them, have continued. The idea being that by the time of opening, the travel industry will be on its way to normalization. However, unfortunately, we are working on a number of projects that were already having difficulty pre-Covid, and those projects are going to continue to suffer and may have to change dynamics completely. That too is another great opportunity for designers and suppliers because the conversion of hotels into other uses is happening significantly.

How would you sum up the profile of your ideal supplier in 3 adjectives?

Experienced, Committed and Reliable. We put a lot of suppliers, architects, contractors and so forth together with our clients. After spending more than 35 years in this industry, we have a sense of those who can deliver and execute on a plan. Our goal is to help our clients be as successful as possible. If we can direct them to the right sources, their projects will be better off.


Italian Contract 4 Hospitality Design selects the best Italian firms able to face the US market for hospitality design, distinguished for a structured organization on site, real-time answer to requests coming from designers and specifiers, flawless executions within the agreed timing and mode. The best occasion where to meet IC4HD companies is at Hospitality Design Expo+Conference Las Vegas.